100 Rabbits / 100 Nights

38 postcards by Heli Yang
Sydney based artist Heli Yang created 100 Rabbits in 100 Nights. An artist and a mum, letting her creative flare flow every single night after tucking her little one to sleep. Every rabbit is unique with its own character and style drawing influence from all little things that matter in life. Find your rabbit… to keep or gift.

Canvas Tote Bag

Sydney based artist Heli Yang has designed this art series. An artist and a mother, after putting her daughter to bed, she lets her imagination flow by creating unique pieces every night. Each illustration is unique with its own story. It hopes to inspire children to draw freely and never stop imagining. Discover your style, inspire your goals and dreams.

Canvas Tote Bag

Sydney based artist Heli Yang has designed this art series. An artist and a mother, after putting her daughter to bed, she lets her imagination flow by creating unique pieces every night. Each illustration is unique with its own story. It hopes to inspire children to draw freely and never stop imagining. Discover your style, inspire your goals and dreams.